Safe Sport


Climbing Escalade Canada believes that everyone has the right to participate in sport. We should all experience the joy sport provides regardless of the level of ability. All athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive training and competitive environment that is free of abuse, harassment or discrimination.

CEC believes that any sport competition, whether it is a CEC-sanctioned event or not, must have the welfare of everyone at the forefront. A key component of a safe environment is the existence of an independent dispute resolution mechanism where complaints, allegations and breaches of CEC conduct policies can be received and heard.


CEC Safe Sport Policies

It is vitally important for all participants of the climbing community to familiarize themselves with CEC’s Safe Sport Policies in order to educate themselves on how to recognize and report incidents of harassment and/or abuse.

As a start, all CEC Participants and Stakeholders should read the Universal Code of Conduct to prevent and address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS), as amended from time to time by the SDRCC, and the CEC Code of Conduct and Ethics, as amended from time to time by the CEC Board of Directors.

All policies can be found here: CEC Policies, Rules, Guidelines – Climbing Escalade Canada (


Abuse-Free Sport Helpline

The Canadian Sport Helpline is an anonymous, national toll-free helpline offering assistance to victims or witnesses of harassment, abuse or discrimination. The helpline will provide you with advice, guidance and resources on how to proceed appropriately in the circumstances.


Reporting a Complaint

There are 3 pathways to reporting a complaint:

  1. If a) the Respondent to a complaint (the person against whom the complaint is made) is a CEC UCCMS-Participants, and b) the allegation involves a breach of the UCCMS, the report can be made directly to Abuse-Free Sport via their online Reporting Process.
  2. If a) the Respondent to a complaint (the person against whom the complaint is made) is NOT a CEC UCCMS-Participants, and b) the allegation involves a breach of the UCCMS, the report can be made directly to CEC’s Independent Third Party, Robyn Schleihauf, RS Legal Inc., through this Complaint Form or by email at 
  3. If the Complaint involves a breach of CEC’s Code of Conduct or other policies, framework, and guidelines, the report can be made directly to CEC’s Independent Third Party, Robyn Schleihauf, RS Legal Inc., through this Complaint Form or by email at , the CEC Board of Directors ( or the CEC Executive Director (

List of CEC UCCMS-Participants: 

  • Board Members
  • Employees (full time positions)
  • National Team Coaches
  • National Team Health and Performance Support Team Members
  • Youth National Team Coaches
  • Senior National Team Athletes (High Performance Program)
  • Youth National Team Athletes
  • Domestic Event Contractors



Education Resources

For further information on recognizing harassment and abuse, please visit the following resources: