Revised Foreign National Policy

Oct 26, 2021

In a continuous effort to increase inclusivity and accessibility in sport climbing, Climbing Escalade Canada has reviewed and updated its Foreign Nationals Policy.

Starting with the 2021-2022 Competition Season, all participant Canadians, regardless of their citizenship status, will be bound by the same rules and regulations. This change aims to align our policies with our values – CEC truly believes in creating positive and inclusive competitive environments open equally to ALL Canadians, up until International Federation rules apply.

Who can attend CEC-sanctioned events?

  • Canadian citizens, living in Canada or abroad – must qualify through their Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization (PTSO)
  • Residents of Canada, regardless of their citizenship status, as long as they are not actively competing for another National Climbing Federation – must qualify through their Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization (PTSO)
  • Participants, who may or may not be residents of Canada, and who are active members of another National Climbing Federation, MUST apply to CEC


For any questions or comments regarding this updated policy, please contact