Para-Climbing Announcement

Oct 31, 2022

CEC regrets to inform the community that the 2022 Para-Climbing National Championships, scheduled to take place on December 10-11, 2022, will be postponed to a later date.

CEC is committed to hosting this event and to creating more opportunities for para-climbers. That being said, the CEC Para-Climbing Committee determined that the successful formula has not yet been found. We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback – which was tremendously helpful in making this decision. Our deepest gratitude goes to our stakeholders who believed in this project – Climb Base 5, contractors and volunteers, and participants. We know this group of supporters will only grow with time!

So what’s next? We are now working on a thorough survey for the para-climbing community and its allies. This survey will help us understand better the “how, where, when, and why” of hosting a Para-Climbing National Championships. Be on the lookout for this survey in the next week, and help us determine the best way forward.

CEC truly believes in sport for all. We know you do too, and we look forward to celebrating our success together very soon!

For questions or comments, please reach out to