NCCP Coach Workshops – A huge milestone for CEC

Mar 21, 2023

CEC took on a large challenge and has reached a very important milestone – we are submitting our first climbing-specific NCCP Coach Training workshops to the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) for approval!

It all started in September of 2022. Sport Canada and the CAC provided us with a grant to kickstart our first climbing-specific coach workshops under the National Coach Certification Program (NCCP). The NCCP provides standardized, inclusive, and safe sport education to coaches and coach developers across 65 sports, now including Climbing. Sport Canada and CAC gave us the mandate to create the Community Initiation Coach Module and the Competition Introduction Coach Module (together, the NCCP Climbing Workshops). Typically, it can take an organization 1 to 2 years to create one of these modules. CEC was tasked with creating both modules in less than 6 months, a challenge we were willing to accept!

It was a massive undertaking, and thankfully, a lot of key people rose to the challenge, starting with our NCCP Consultant, Suzanne Fischer. Suzanne completed a tremendous amount of work, building all the materials needed for the workshops. She also collaborated with our amazing Coaching Committee to collect and apply climbing-specific information within the NCCP framework.

Additionally, the CEC Coaching Committee had an impressive impact on this project. Together, they developed the Climbing Skills Manual – tool to support coaches working with participants at the early stages of the Long Term Development, which all coaches will receive upon registering for the workshops. They also supported the creation of an e-learning module on managing risks in the climbing environment. This online and free module will be a prerequisite for coaches before attending a NCCP Climbing Workshop.

Through creating the modules, we also had to recruit and train Learning Facilitators (LFs) – the trainers of the coaches. Thanks to our Provincial and Territorial Sport Organization (PTSO) Partners, we identified 18 LFs for Community Initiation, and 18 LFs for Competition Introduction, all representing 8 different provinces.
We are excited to roll out these NCCP modules in all provinces and expect to offer these NCCP Climbing Workshops by this summer!

Please contact your PTSO or any identified LF listed below to learn more about how and when to attend a training. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Climbing-Specific NCCP, please contact



The CEC Community Sport – Initiation training is designed for coaches who work with new/entry level climbers being introduced to climbing for the first time, at the Active Strat, FUNdamentals, and Active for Life stages of the LTD. The role of the coach is to ensure a fun and safe environment and to teach the development of fundamental climbing skills. This 1-day workshop that takes place in a climbing gym will provide coaches with the following outcomes:

  • Identify their role as a community coach
  • Express your coaching philosophy
  • Provide a safe, appropriate, inclusive and positive learning environment for all participants
  • Coach games and activities in a way that is suitable and inclusive for all participants
  • Teach the basic skills of climbing

NCCP Community Initiation – Learning Facilitators:

Alison Stewart-Patterson (BC)
Andrei Mandzuk (BC)
Chris Neve (AB)
Dung NGuyen (QC)
Frédéric Desgranges (QC)
Gillian Crook (MB)
Heather Reynolds (NS)
Jamie Galloway (AB)
Jessalyn Heppner (MB)
Julien Gomez (QC)
Michael Crichton-Struthers (ON)
Nicolas Janelle (QC)
Olivier Dorion-Thériault (QC)
Olivier Roy-Tremblay (QC)
Owen Westmore (MB)
Rodney Fajardo (ON)
Sarah Spurrell (NL)
Shawn Fairweather (NB)



The CEC Competition – Introduction training is designed for coaches who will work with competitive climbers, moving from the FUNdamentals to the Learn to Train and Train to Train stages of long-term development. During this 2-day workshop that takes place in a climbing gym, coaches will learn how to:

  • Identify their role as a competition coach
  • Understand the principles of Teaching and Learning
  • Take different approaches to teaching skills
  • Make interventions that promote learning
  • Identify the basic rules of Climbing
  • Coach the basic skills of Climbing
  • Detect and Correct performance errors in Climbing
  • Plan and modify an activity

NCCP Competition Introduction – Learning Facilitators:

Aidan Doyle (QC)
Chris Neve (AB)
Christy Spurrell (BC)
David Arrigo (NS)
Giovanni Vizcardo (QC)
Heather Reynolds (NS)
Matt Chapman (ON)
Michelle Linhart (BC)
Natalie Scholten (NB)
Nathan Lo (MB)
Nicolas Janelle (QC)
Olivier Dorion-Thériault (QC)
Olivier Roy-Tremblay (QC)
Owen Westmore (MB)
Sarah Spurrell (NL)
Shawn Fairweather (NB)
Thomasina Pidgeon (BC)
Yves Gravelle (QC)