Athlete Development Matrix

CEC is excited to publish the Climbing-Specific Athlete Development Matrix (ADM) – Skills Inventory. This is a phenomenal tool for coaches to support appropriate sills development of participants, based on the principles of the Long Term Development (LTD).


How does the Matrix works?


  1. Identify the stage of development of your participants, using the CEC Long Term Athlete Development Program.
  2. Scroll through the inventory list to determine which skills you should be introducing to your athletes, and which skills they should have already acquire.
  3. The tables will also help you understand sequencing (which skills should be introduced before other skills)
  4. Finally, use the Glossary to better understand the terms in the skills matrix.


If you have any questions, we are here to help! Contact

A MASSIVE thank you to the CEC Coaching Committee for all their work on this document.

CEC Athlete Development Matrix – Skills Inventory –