IFSC Routesetting Opportunities

Jan 28, 2022

The IFSC has called on its National Federations to submit nominations to the 2022 Junior Routesetter Program, and its Routesetter Diversity Program. CEC wishes to call upon its community for any candidates interested that would fill the below requirements.

Interested candidates must contact the CEC Executive Director at ed@climbingcanada.ca, sending along a copy of their Resume, as well as a description of how they fill the IFSC Requirements. Applications must be received by February 6, 2022. CEC will then evaluate applications received, and nominate approved candidates to the IFSC.




National Federations willing to send applications for International Junior Routesetters may send a recommendation of three (3) names (when sending more than 1 candidate, at least one of them must be of different gender from the other(s)) to the IFSC Office.

Applications can be submitted from candidates who ideally fulfil the following requirements:

  • Fluent English
  • Very high personal climbing level – ability to climb at World Cup standard is essential
  • Routesetting experience – must have set at a minimum of 3 high-level international/continental competitions, and/or IFSC sanctioned Master events, and/or high-level national championships
  • Ability to work well as part of a team
  • Should have international competition experience as a competitor
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Hard working, with the ability to cope well under pressure
  • Creative and innovative



The Routesetters’ Diversity Programme has been designed by the IFSC to support and proactively develop diversity across the team of International Routesetters by offering opportunities within the IFSC community and IFSC Calendar of events to aspirant members of the IFSC routesetting group. Specific goals of the programme are to improve gender equality within the group, and to open opportunities for setters from countries not yet represented in the group to gain international competition experience.

National Federations and individual routesetters willing to send applications for the international Routesetters’ Diversity Programme may send recommendation of any number of names to the IFSC Office.