CEC Safe Sport Statement

Feb 14, 2022

CEC cares deeply about the wellness of all of our athletes and stakeholders, and is committed to maintaining a safe sporting environment. CEC wishes to take this opportunity to remind the community of the Safe Sport Mechanism in place within our organization, as well as options available to report complaints regarding harassment, maltreatment, abuse, and discrimination.

Athlete Wellness Resources: Members of our community experiencing distress are encouraged to consult the CEC’s Athlete Wellness Resources. CEC will continue to update this page with resources regarding Nutrition, Mental Health, Injury Prevention, etc.

Safe Sport Policies: CEC has adopted a set of policies and guidelines to put the protection of athletes at the forefront of our operations and governance. The Safe Sport Policy Suite is reviewed and updated regularly. These policies are also available for Provincial and Territorial Sport Organizations (PTSO) to adapt and adopt as they see fit.

The CAC Responsible Coaching Movement: CEC has taken the RCM Pledge and has implemented Background Screening and Ethics Training for all coaches attending CEC-sanctioned events and all volunteers and staff working with CEC. CEC will also be applying the Rule of Two when resuming our High Performance Program and International Travels.

How to report a Safe Sport Complaint

Independent Safe Sport Officer: Contact Brian Ward directly to report a complaint – safesport_wwdrs@primus.ca. Brian is a Safe Sport Officier contracted by CEC to receive and manage complaints independently from CEC staff and directors. It allows for athletes to feel safe reporting a complaint, without the perception of potential repercussions.

Canadian Sport Helpline: The Canadian Sport Helpline is an anonymous, national, toll-free helpline offering assistance to victims or witnesses of harassment, abuse, or discrimination. The helpline will provide you with advice, guidance, and resources on how to proceed appropriately in the circumstances.

Safe Sport National Mechanism: The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) has been selected by the Government of Canada to develop and deliver a new safe sport mechanism at the national level to report, manage, and investigate Safe Sport Complaints. When it becomes available, CEC will become a Signatory of this program, and therefore support a national initiative promoting transparency and accountability.

Community members are encouraged to contact CEC with any questions or concerns regarding our Safe Sport efforts in Canada. Our Executive Director, Christiane Marceau, is always there to listen and help where and when she can. Contact her at ed@climbingcanada.ca