CEC names new Executive Director and Competition Coordinator

Dec 9, 2019

New Executive Director and Series Coordinator at the CEC

December 9, 2019 – The Board of Directors of Climbing Escalade Canada is pleased to announce the addition of two new resources to the CEC team.  Christiane Marceau has accepted the role of Executive Director and will be officially joining the organization on January 6, 2020.  Sebastian Powell was selected for the role of Series Coordinator and has been acting in that capacity since the beginning of this competition season.

Executive Director, Christiane Marceau

Christiane joins us with a long history in the sports world, a breadth and depth of unique experiences and a passion for helping the CEC realize the incredible potential the future holds.  Her superb track record across all areas of sports management – leadership, communications, programming, operations, high performance – combined with her energy, love of sport and passion for building make her the ideal Executive Director for the CEC. 

Coming to us from Ultimate Canada, Christiane knows what it takes to support the growth of an emerging sport.  In addition to a variety of other roles, she was the Executive Director and VP Operations at Ottawa-based Ultimate organizations and then went on to run Programs and High Performance at Ultimate Canada.  There, she managed the HP relationship with Sport Canada in addition to developing and implementing national programs for Long-Term Athlete Development, National Coaching Certification and National Teams.  

Christiane has a strong network in the sports world and a successful track record building and maintaining financial stability.  A recreational climber, Christiane brings an external perspective to the climbing world.  She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Montreal in Montreal, Quebec.  She resides in Ottawa and is fluent in French and English.

“I am very excited to be joining the CEC.  The potential for climbing in Canada is limitless and I feel lucky to have the opportunity to join this great community and lead us in realising that potential,” says Marceau.

Ms. Marceau’s appointment is effective January 6, 2020. You can reach Christiane at cec.ed@climbingcanada.ca

Series Coordinator, Sebastian Powell

Sebastian Powell accepted the role of Series Coordinator for the CEC and is already acting in that capacity.  In this role, he manages the CEC series events, working with host gyms and various stakeholders involved in running our competitions to ensure we provide an excellent competition experience that delivers on the mandate of the CEC.

The Board received numerous applications for the position and was impressed by the passion, experience and enthusiasm of all candidates.  As the successful candidate, Sebastian brings to the role a history of highly relevant experience, organizing and running climbing competitions provincially, nationally and internationally since 2005.  He is an experienced Jury President, Technical Delegate and Head Judge in Canada, as well as Technical Delegate and Judge at a continental level.  Sebastian is passionate about building and growing a team of officials to support our regional and national events, while running competitions that offer a world-class experience for athletes, spectators and everyone involved in them.

You can reach Sebastian at


Greg Locke, Chair
Climbing Escalade Canada