Call for Nominations for the CEC Athletes Commission 2021

Apr 24, 2021

Want to be more involved in the governance of your sport?
The CEC Athlete Commission is calling for nominations for representatives to be elected at the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of athletes.

Positions up for election:

President (1 position)

  • Preferably an athlete retired from the competition circuit
  • Term: 2 years (2021-2022)
  • Current president: Stacey Weldon

Speed Representative (1 position)

  • Preferably an athlete active in the competition circuit
  • Term: 2 years (2021-2022)
  • Current representative: Manh Ellis

Lead Representative (1 position)

  • Preferably an athlete active in the competition circuit
  • Term: 2 years (2021-2022)
  • Current representative: Becca Frangos

Members at-large (4 positions)

  • Either active or retired athlete
  • Term: 1 years (2021)
  • Current member: Samantha Li

*Current Boulder Representative: Allison Vest. Term ending 2022.

Deadline to submit a nominations: May 10, 2021
Send nominations with a current resume and cover letter to Stacey at

Elections will be held on May 24 at the virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) of athletes. Votes will be conducted electronically. If an athlete is not voted as President, Speed or Lead rep, they may then join the election for member at large.

Purpose of the Athlete Commission
The purpose of the Athletes’ Commission (AC) is to represent and promote the views and interests of the various athletes of Climbing Escalade Canada (CEC) to the CEC’s Board of Directors and management on all issues which directly or indirectly affect athletes.

The AC is a group of athletes (former or current) that give recommendations to the CEC in order to bring about the best conditions for open competitors to compete, train and expand in. Discussions in the AC can vary from rules and regulations, quotas, performance, training camps, etc. The AC is responsible for thinking objectively for the good of all athletes in the country. Where possible, the AC should represent the diversity of the sport in Canada, from gender and geography to disciplines.

The AC will be the collective voice of all the CEC’s athletes, regardless of discipline and will assist the organization in the fulfillment of its mission and the pursuit of its vision.

Read more through the AC Charter.

Who can be nominated?
Any licensed CEC athlete who is 16 by December 31st of the current year (2021). You may nominate another athlete, or yourself.

The President will ideally be an athlete that has retired within the last 8 years. This will reduce the chance of any conflict of interest at a board level. The speed and lead representatives will ideally be active athletes. As there have not been any events due to the pandemic, these members will ideally plan to compete in the future. At large members may be active or retired athletes.

Who can vote?
Any licensed CEC athlete may vote. Due to the pandemic, 2019-2020 licensed athletes will be considered as active for this upcoming AGM.

How long is the term?
This is a one or two year term depending on the position.