Call for application – CNR Working Group

Nov 13, 2023

The CEC High Performance Committee is the advisory group in charge of the High Performance Program. As such, it is the committee’s responsibility to establish the points table, calculate the points total, and publish the results of the Continuous National Ranking (CNR).

The HPC acknowledges the need for more transparency when it relates to the CNR. Athletes have questions, and we wish to answer those in a more transparent manner.

To achieve this goal, the HPC is calling for applications to create a CNR Working Group. This group will be trained in CNR calculations, and will be responsible for maintaining the ranking up to date, as well as finding IT solutions to automate and publish the calculations.

If you are interested in this working group, please send an email of motivation, along with your resume, to Deadline to apply is set for November 27, 2023.

Note: this working group may have a temporary mandate, pending on the recommendations of the independent consultant currently reviewing the High Performance Program.