Pan American Championships

Climbing Escalade Canada (CEC) is pleased to announce the selection process for the 2024 Pan American Championships in Santiago, Chile. This event presents a significant opportunity for Canadian athletes to compete at the international level. Below are the key details for athletes and coaches regarding selection.

Dates: November 19-24, 2024
Venue: Santiago, Chile
Disciplines: Boulder, Lead, Speed
Quotas: 5 quotas / disciplines / gender
Selection process: Invitations will be sent using the CNR as of September 1, up to Top 10 positions
Guidance for athletes: 2024 Pan-American Championships – Guidance for Athlete Participation
InfoSheet: 2nyb5g37idcu3h5wytarkheutpft (

Selection Process and Timeline

Following the official announcement of the Pan American Championships in May 2024, CEC has worked diligently to finalize the selection process. However, due to a conflict between the Pan American Championships and the Senior Boulder and Lead National Championships, additional time was required to ensure a fair and balanced approach. CEC fully supports the athletes’ right to choose which event to prioritize, whether that be the Pan American Championships or the Senior Boulder and Lead Nationals.

The first round of invitations for the Pan American Championships was sent to athletes on September 4, 2024, with a deadline to accept or decline by September 16, 2024. Should any athletes decline, we will move down the Canadian National Ranking (CNR) list and extend further invitations accordingly. Invitations will be limited to athletes ranked within the top 10 of the CNR in each discipline. Should athletes outside of the HPP program be invited, they will need to prove readiness to attend this event. Further, minor athletes must be accompanied by a chaperone.

Quotas and Use of CNR Rankings

For this event, Canada has 5 quotas per discipline per gender. Given the tight timeline, CEC has utilized the CNR rankings to determine athlete invitations. The top-ranked athletes in each discipline have been invited to represent Canada, with further invitations based on CNR as necessary.

We understand that the timing of certain events, may have impacted some athletes’ ability to secure CNR points. However, the current CNR rankings as of September 1, 2024, will be used to ensure timely and fair selections. CEC also acknowledges that the conflict between the Pan American Championships and Senior Nationals has created a difficult decision for some athletes. This process, along with its impact on athletes, will be reviewed as part of the ongoing High Performance Review, with a goal of refining the selection criteria and ensuring that athletes have a clear and transparent pathway to participation in major events.


For any questions about the selection process or the Pan American Championships, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at