2023-2024 Youth Regional Championships – Event Central

Here is all you need to know in regards to the 2023-2024 Youth Boulder Regional Championships (East and West)!



To make this event a success, we need a lot of volunteer. Please consider helping! Sign up today!


Technical Meetings

EAST Technical Meeting Recording

WEST Technical Meeting Recording


Running Orders!



General Info

  • When? April 20-21, 2024
  • Where?
  • Who?
    • Junior Athletes (participants born in 2005 or 2006)
    • Youth A Athletes (participants born in 2007 or 2008)
    • Youth B Athletes (participants born in 2009 or 2010)
    • Youth C Athletes (participants born in 2011 or 2012)
  • Live Results: https://cec.results.info/


Hotel Partners


The Glenmore Inn & Convention Centre
Calgary, AB

Double Queen: $139.00, including breakfast

Details and Reservation Information


Sandman, Calgary, AB

Two Queen Rooms: $149.00

To book, call 403-252-7263 and provide booking ID 358096 called 2024 Climbing Escalade Canada


Awaiting confirmations from hotels



  • Athletes must Qualify through their Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization (PTSO)
  • Each PTSO has received a specific number of QUOTAS for this event. Contact info@climbingcanada.ca if you do not know which organization is your PTSO
  • Athletes must purchase their CEC 2022-2023 Athlete License and register for the competition on the CEC Registration Site
    • Youth C athletes have access to a discounted license, as this is the only CEC-Event they have access to. Make sure you purchase the correct license
  • Athletes must have a CEC Vertical Life account. If you don’t already have one, please create one here
  • Pre-Qualification: some athletes are pre-qualified for the 2023-2024 Youth NATIONALS Champsionships, and therefore do not need to compete in the REGIONAL event
  • Registration DEADLINE is April 11, 2024


Coach Registration




CEC Teams

Eastern Regionals

  • Event Lead Kori Cuthbert
    Jury President Mohammad Havaledar
    Head Judge Daniela Pujol
    Head Routesetter Victor Fleutre
    Assistant Head Aggy St. Jacques
    Setter J.P. Levesque
    Setter Jane Cuff
    Setter Julien Gomez
    Setter Andreas Lerch
    Apprentice Eve Laprise
    Apprentice Ariane Nguyen

Western Regionals

  • Event Lead Joanne McLarty
    Jury President Babak Zia
    Head Judge Mark Kozak
    Head Routesetter Corinne Baril
    Assistant Head Jon Archibald
    Setter Lily Trottier
    Setter Emma Hunsch
    Setter Pedro Corral
    Setter Matt Lucas
    Apprentice Kai Ohki
    Apprentice Juan Delfin


Setting Guidelines

CEC provides guidelines to the setting team for each event. These guidelines are determined based on the goals and clientele of each event.

2023-2024 Youth Regionals – Setting Guidelines

  • Qualification level
    → 100% of the field with a zone
    → 80% of the field with a top
    → As many as 5 athletes with 6 tops
    → 2 or less problems will be considered as “easy”, 3 will be considered as “medium”, and 1 or more will be considered as “hard”
  • Final Level
    → If top athletes are there: Nationals Semi Final Level
    → If top athletes withhold: Nationals Qualification Level


NEW for 2023-2024 Regionals Boulder:

15 sec & Transition Zone


Preliminary Schedules

Friday April 19th

5-6:45pm Check in and bib pickup at the gym

7pm Technical Meeting


5-6:45pm Check in and bib pick up at the gym

7pm Technical Meeting



Saturday, April 20th

*Qualifiers = IFSC Flash Format; 4min +15s transition; 2 sets of 3 = 6 problems

Heat 1 – YBF, YBM, YCF
7am Check in starts (if not done Friday)
7:30-8:30 Warm up
8:30-11:30 Qualifiers*

Heat 2 - YAF, YAM, YCM
10:30 Check in starts
11:30-12:30 Warm up
12:30-3:30 Qualifiers*

Heat 3 – JF, JM
2:00 Check in starts
3:00-4:00 Warm up
4:00-7:00 Qualifiers*

*Qualifiers = IFSC Flash Format; 4min +15s transition; 2 sets of 3 = 6 problems

Heat 1 – YCF, YBM
7am Check in starts (if not done Friday)
7:30-8:30 Warm up
8:30-11:15 Qualifiers*
11:15-11:45 Changeover

Heat 2 - YCM, YBF
9:45 Check in starts 
10:45-11:45 Warm up
11:45-2:30 Qualifiers*
2:30-3:30 Changeover

Heat 3 – YAF, JM
1:30 Check in starts 
2:30-3:30 Warm up
3:30-6:15 Qualifiers*

Heat 4 - YAM, JF
4:15 Check in starts 
5:15-6:15 Warm up
6:15-8:40 Qualifiers*

Sunday, April 21st

**Finals = IFSC Semi-finals Format; 5min + 15s transition; 4 problems

Heat 1 – YCM, YCF, YBM, YBF
7:00 ISO opens
8:00 ISO closes
8:15 Presentation of athletes
8:30 Finals** – YCM, YBM followed by YCF, YBF
Awards to follow

**gym closed for changeover

Heat 2 – YAF, YAM, JF, JM
1:00 ISO opens
2:00 ISO closes
2:15 Presentation of athletes
2:30 Finals** – YAF, YAM followed by JF, JM
Awards to follow

**Finals = IFSC Semi-finals Format; 5min + 15s transition; 4 problems

Heat 1 – YCM, YCF, YBM, YBF
7:00 ISO opens
8:00 ISO closes
8:15 Presentation of athletes
8:30 Finals** – YCM, YBM followed by YCF, YBF
Awards to follow

*** gym closed for changeover

Heat 2 – YAF, YAM, JF, JM
1:00 ISO opens
2:00 ISO closes
2:15 Presentation of athletes
2:30 Finals** – YAF, YAM followed by JF, JM
Awards to follow