2022 Youth World Championships (YWC)

After a 2-year hiatus, Canadian athletes will return to the annual IFSC Youth World Championships (YWC). The 2022 edition will be held in Dallas, Texas, from August 22-31, 2022 The YWC is an important steppingstone for young Canadian competition climbers and for many, it provides a first international competition experience.

The information on this page will be updated periodically as we progress towards August.

Selection Timelines

The selection process for YWC is detailed in a previous post HERE

Notification: Athletes selected to attend Youth World Championships will be notified via email no later than June 3rd/ 2022.

Confirmation: Athletes will have until June 15th to confirm or decline attendance at the Youth World Championships.
Alternates will have one week following the date of notification to confirm or decline attendance at the Youth World Championships.

NOTE on Speed Selections:

  • Athletes who finished Top 3 at Youth Speed Nationals and have not met the minimum performance time have until July 25th to do so. Evidence of achievement of the minimum performance time must be done via the CEC GameTime platform.
  • Athletes who finished in a top 5 position at the most recent Youth Speed Nationals are encouraged to submit minimum performance times (when achieved) as well. If a top 3 athlete does not meet minimum times OR declines the invitation to attend YWC, the spot will be offered to an alternate.


Trip Organization and Logistics

Staff Organizational Chart

Safe Sport Requirements: All CEC Staff selected to attend the 2022 YWC are subject to CEC Safe Sport screening.

Options for Travel and Accommodations

After considering feedback from the 2019 YWC trip to Arco, Italy, CEC will provide 2 options for athletes attending the 2022 YWC in Dallas. Athletes must confirm the option of their choosing when accepting their invitation on the Team. The communication of all fees, travel logistics, accommodations and other details will be shared as more information about the event schedule is published by the IFSC.

Option A – Travel and Stay with Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s)

  • Athletes who choose this option will not be required to travel or stay with the team.
  • Athletes who choose this option are subject to a Base Team Fee to cover staff support (Amount TBA).
  • Athletes who choose this option must attend all mandatory team meetings and training session as communicated by CEC staff. Transport costs associated with getting to these mandatory sessions are at the athlete’s expense.

Option B – Travel and Stay with CEC Staff/Chaperone

  • Athletes who choose this option are required to travel and stay with CEC staff.
  • Athletes who choose this option are subject to the Base Team fee (TBA) plus a Chaperone fee (TBA).
  • Athletes who choose this option must attend all mandatory team meetings and training sessions as communicated by CEC staff.


CEC will host 2 zoom Town Hall info sessions with all selected athletes in June (exact dates and times TBA).

Questions? Contact Andrew Wilson via email: hpd@climbingcanada.ca