2022-2023 Speed National Championships – Q&A

Dec 6, 2022

CEC will be hosting the 2022-2023 Speed National Championships on February 18-19, 2023, at Horizon Roc in Montreal, QC, in partnership with Accès Escalade Montréal. What will this event look like? How do athletes qualify to attend? Here is all you need to know!



The following categories will take part in this Speed Championships:

  • Senior: participants born in 2007 and before
  • Junior: participants born in 2004 or 2005
  • Youth A: participants born in 2006 or 2007
  • Youth B: participants born in 2008 or 2009



The event will be scheduled as follows, with the exact timeline to be posted closer to the event.

  • Saturday February 18, 2023
    • Youth A and Junior Speed Competition in the AM
    • Youth B Speed Competition in the PM
  • Sunday February 19, 2023
    • Development Camp in the AM, split by streams (Athletes / Coaches)
    • Senior Speed Competition in the PM

*Youth A and Junior eligible athletes are allowed to compete in the Senior Competition as well, if they chose to do so (and vice-versa). Athletes MUST qualify for every and each competition they wish to compete in (e.g. a 16 years old athletes must qualify in Youth A and Senior to compete in both categories at Nationals)


Development Camp

CEC will host, as part of this event, a Speed Development Camp. This camp is open to all on a first come first serve basis. The camp will be led by our National Speed Coach – Libor Hroza, and will have two streams: one for athletes, and one for coaches.

Athletes participating in the Speed National Championship will have priority to register to the camp if they wish to do so. After a pre-registration period, the camp will be open to anyone (as long as they are 14 and older at December 31, 2023).

  • Athletes’ Stream: This camp is geared toward Developing Athletes who are considering specializing in Speed competitions.
  • Coaches’ Stream: This camp is geared to all climbing coaches hoping to pick up a few tricks about how to coach Speed better.



Athletes will have two different ways they can qualify for this event.

Provincial Pathway:

  • The best way for athletes to qualify is through the Provincial and Territorial Pathway. Every Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization (PTSO) has been offered a base number of quotas. The PTSO are responsible to distribute these quotas the way they see fit.
  • The PTSO Contacts and Base Quotas are listed below.
  • CEC strongly recommends that all athletes compete in their provincial event. If they don’t qualify through this pathway, the Online Pathway will be available as a “second chance” pathway.

Online Pathway:

  • A limited number of quotas (2 women and 2 men per category) will also be available through the CEC Game Time platform submission. Selection for these quotas will be strictly based on time – the fastest athletes in Canada will receive an invitation to the National Event.
  • These quotas will be distributed AFTER the provincial pathway. Therefore, if an athlete does not qualify through their PTSO, they may still qualify through the Game Time platform.


Minimum Times

CEC has published RECOMMENDED Minimum Times and MANDATORY Minimum Times.

  • Recommended Minimum Times are those that athletes should aim for if they wish to specialize in speed.
  • Mandatory Minimum Times are essential to qualify for the National Championships, in order to ensure that the event can run smoothly and on time.

Speed Minimum Times


HPP Minimum Performance Times

(15m Wall)

Speed Nationals RECOMMENDED Minimum Times

(15m Wall)

Speed Nationals MANDATORY Minimum Times

(15m Wall)

Speed Nationals MANDATORY Minimum Times

(10m Wall)

Senior Female

9.14 9.65 18.00 11.88

Senior Male

6.83 7.84 14.00 9.24

Junior Female

n/a 11.96 19.00 12.54

Junior Male

n/a 8.69 15.00 9.9

Youth A Female

n/a 12.68 20.00 13.2

Youth A Male

n/a 8.87 16.00 10.56

Youth B Female

n/a 13.23 20.00 13.2

Youth B Male

n/a 9.60 18.00 11.88


PTSO Contacts and Base Quotas

British Columbia
Sport Climbing BC (SCBC)
SPEED: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 40 athletes)
Email: registrar@sportclimbingbc.ca

Alberta Climbing Association (ACA)
SPEED: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 40 athletes)
Email: aca@albertaclimbing.org

Alberta Climbing Association (ACA)
SPEED: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 8 athletes)
Email: aca@albertaclimbing.org

Ontario Climbing Federation (OCF)
SPEED: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 40 athletes)
Email: info@climbontario.ca

Fédération québécoise de la montagne et de l’escalade (FQME)
SPEED: 5 women and 5 men in all categories (total 40 athletes)
Email: competition@fqme.qc.ca

Climb Yukon
SPEED: 2 women and 2 men in all categories (total 16 athletes)
Email: climbyukonassociation@gmail.com

Climbing Association of Manitoba (CAM)
SPEED: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 8 athletes)
Email: climbmanitoba@gmail.com

New Brunswick
Sport Climbing NB
SPEED: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 8 athletes)
Email: sportclimbingnb@gmail.com

Nova Scotia
Climb Nova Scotia
SPEED: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 8 athletes)
Email: climbnovascotia@gmail.com

Newfoundland and Labrador
Daniel Alacoque
SPEED: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 8 athletes)
Email: danielalacoque@gmail.com

Prince Edward Island
Emilie Maquignaz
SPEED: 1 woman and 1 man in all categories (total 8 athletes)
Email: PEIclimbing@gmail.com

All other provinces or territories (NV, NWT)
Email: info@climbingcanada.ca