2022-2023 CEC Speed Series – Event Central

2022-2023 Speed National Championships

February 18-19, 2023, at Horizon Roc in Montreal, QC


The event will be livestreamed on the CEC YouTube Channel. More details on the Livestream Schedule to be posted closer to the event.

Results and Start lists

Find event start lists and results here

Youth A Women Results
Youth A Men Results
Junior Women Results
Junior Men Results
Youth B Women Results
Youth B Men Results
Senior Women Results
Senior Men Results


CEC’s Speed National Championship will be in accordance to the IFSC 2023 Rules


Technical Meeting Summary

Find the Technical Meeting Summary here


The event will be scheduled as follows

February 177:00 PMTechnical Meeting on zoom
February 188:00 AMYouth A check in
8:30 AMYouth A warmup and qualification
10:15 AMYouth A finals, awards to follow
10:45 AMJunior check in
11:15 AMJunior warmup and qualification
1:00 PMJunior finals, awards to follow
1:30 PMYouth B check in
2:00 PMYouth B warmup and qualification
3:45 PMYouth B finals, awards to follow
February 198:00 AMDevelopment Camp
2:00 PMDevelopment Camp ends
2:00 PMGym Opens for Competitors
2:15 PMSenior warmup and qualification
3:45 PMSenior finals, awards to follow

*Youth A and Junior eligible athletes are allowed to compete in the Senior Competition as well, if they chose to do so (and vice-versa). Athletes MUST qualify for every and each competition they wish to compete in (e.g. a 16 years old athletes must qualify in Youth A and Senior to compete in both categories at Nationals)

Volunteer with us! 

Come support Canada’s top athletes by being a volunteer! Many positions do not require any experience, and you will receive a t-shirt, lanyard and food during your shift. Sign up here. 


For information on qualification, please see our Speed Nationals Q&A here.

Coach Registration

      1. ALL coaches must register through this form: Google Form
      2. Safe Sport Requirements will be mandatory: Requirements

Only Registered and Screened coaches will be allowed in ISO and allowed to fill APPEALS.

Waiver to sign

Hotel Partners

  • Please note that there is significant construction in the Lafontaine Tunnel that will affect travel if staying in the south shore of Montreal
  • The Montréal en lumière festival will take place from February 16 to March 15 https://www.montrealenlumiere.com/

119.95 per night for a double room
Call the toll free number 1 888 832 1416 or 514 256 1613 you can also email info@royalversailles.com
All reservation will need a credit card. Please mention Climbing Escalade Canada


One bedroom suites 119$ plus taxes s/d occupancy & 20$ for each additional person. (breakfast included)

Call  (514-448-7100) and mention Climbing Escalade Canada

Spectators information

Spectators are encouraged! Come cheer on the Nations best speed climbers. No fee to watch, but seating is limited and will be on a first come, first serve basis.


The event will be livestreamed on the CEC YouTube Channel. More details on the Livestream Schedule to be posted closer to the event.

Development Camp

Visit this page for all information. 


Athletes must Qualify through their Provincial or Territorial Sport Organization (PTSO)

Athletes must purchase their CEC 2022-2023 Athlete License and register for the competition on the CEC Registration Site.

Athletes must create an account in Vertical Life HERE, CEC will place athletes into the event

Athletes must have paid their registration by the following deadline: February 8th

Thanks to our partners:


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