2019 CEC Speed Nationals – Provincial Quotas and Qualifying Requirements

Mar 27, 2019

2019  CEC Speed Nationals – Provincial Quotas and Qualifying Requirements

The following outlines the provincial quotas and qualifying requirements and for the 2019 Speed Climbing Youth and Open National Championships.

The intent of these requirements is to ensure the integrity of the competition and to respect all athletes in all disciplines. The CEC is committed to providing a competition environment that promotes excellence and the opportunity for athletic development.

  1. Provincial Quotas


Each province (with an official PSO or not) will receive a quota of 8 athletes per gender per category. Athletes must meet minimum requirements outlined in section 2 below


Open quotas for each province (with an official PSO or not) are unlimited provided all athletes meet minimum requirements outlined in section 3 below.

  1. Qualification Requirements

Youth and Open

To qualify for speed nationals, athletes must participate in at least (1) one officially sanctioned provincial speed event. Events can be one of the following:

  1. provincial series speed competition. May be classic, 10 m standard or 15 m standard.
  2. provincial speed camp (must be hosted by province or PSO).
  3. Automatic Qualification (Open only)

Athletes who have competed internationally within the previous 20 months (Pan Am Championships, World Cup) are automatically qualified for speed nationals and are exempt from the above requirements.

Andrew Wilson, High performance Director