Athletes wishing to attend Lead/Speed Nationals who have not qualified through regular quotas or published pre-qualifying criteria may apply to the High Performance Director for a special invitation.
The purpose of these Special Invitations is to provide an avenue for athletes who have previous results that indicate a high probability of being selected for Youth or Open National Teams and who may have been unable to qualify through regular avenues due to extenuating circumstances or conflicting development opportunities.
Who should apply?
Athletes who have any of the following results:
- Competed Internationally for Canada in the previous 18 months in the discipline being applied for.
- Top 4 at 2018 Lead/Speed Nationals.
- Other results that indicate performance at International level:
- Speed time on official wall in competition within .75 sec of 16th place qualifier at 2018 World Youth Championships (for current category) or Any Senior Speed World Cup.
- Podium finish in other federation event with high-level field of competitors (i.e. US Nationals).
Special Invitations are not meant for Athletes who have already qualified through regular provincial quotas or who meet published pre-qualification criteria; such athletes DO NOT NEED to APPLY.
How to Apply?
Applications for Special Invitations can be made by email to Andrew Wilson – HPD: cec.hpd@climbingcanada.ca.
Include name, category, performance indicators (results) and nature of extenuating circumstances.
Applications for Special Invitations must be received no later than 11:59 pm PST, Tuesday, April 30th.
Special Invitations will be sent no later than May 8th.