2019/2020 CEC Event  Pre-qualification guidelines

Oct 12, 2019

2019/2020 CEC Event  Pre-qualification guidelines

Athletes who are members of National Team Program (NTP) and Youth National Team Program (YNTP) will be pre-qualified for 2019/2020 CEC events based on performance standards from 2019 IFSC results outlined below.

Pre-qualified athletes are exempt from qualifying events and will be considered extra quota for the PSO they are registered with.
Pre-qualified athletes may choose to compete in provincial and/or regional qualifying series/events provided that the PSO allows this.

Unless otherwise stated (see Note on Youth Pan Ams below), pre-qualified status only applies in the discipline(s) and categories in which the performance standards have been achieved (i.e. youth boulder athletes are only pre-qualified for the specified youth boulder events).

National Team Program (NTP) Standards

Team LevelPerformance StandardPre-Qualified for: (Events)Exempt from: (Events)
AllWC: Top 75% of fieldRegional ChampionshipsProvincial Qualifying Series
AllWC: Top 35% of fieldNational ChampionshipsProvincial Qualifying Series, Regional Championships
AllWC: Top 10Selection CampProvincial Qualifying Series, Regional Championships, National Championships

Youth National Team Program (YNTP) Standards

Team LevelPerformance StandardPre-Qualified for: (Events)Exempt from: (Events)
YWC SquadYWC: Top 75% of fieldRegional ChampionshipsProvincial Qualifying Series
YWC SquadYWC: Top 15National ChampionshipsProvincial Qualifying Series, Regional Championships
YWC SquadYWC: Top 5Selection CampProvincial Qualifying Series, Regional Championships, National Championships
Youth Pan Am SquadTop 60%Regional ChampionshipsProvincial Qualifying Series
Youth Pan Am SquadTop 10National ChampionshipsProvincial Qualifying Series, Regional Championships
Youth Pan Am SquadTop 3Selection CampProvincial Qualifying Series, Regional Championships, National Championships

Note on Youth Pan Ams

Athletes who attend Youth Pan Am Championship and will miss Provincial qualifying events will be pre-qualified for Regionals in all disciplines including the disciplines they do not compete in at Youth Pan Ams.

For further information;

Andrew Wilson, High Performance Director
Climbing Escalade Canada