2020 Executive Director Report

Oct 30, 2020

In the last month, CEC relaunched the strategic planning efforts started in 2019. Thanks to our incredible independent facilitators, Elise and Narjis, we held, virtually, 4 focus group discussions and one strategic planning workshop weekend – all of which were aimed at developing a 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.

Constructive discussions were centered around the value proposition of CEC, and the priorities and objectives of the next 4 years, recognizing the challenges ahead. CEC wishes to publicly thank all participants who supported our efforts, and very generously donated their time , either through the focus groups or the strategic workshop. 

By the end of 2020, CEC will be publishing a Strategic Report to share our findings with the community. In the meantime, we share a 2020 Report from our Executive Director, Christiane Marceau, outlining some of the projects and programs CEC has been working on this year. You may also want to review the 2019 Strategic Review Report, which was the starting point to our conversations over the last month.


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